
The Dataset Sharing feature provided by Powerdrill enables you to effortlessly share your datasets in a controlled, governed manner. With this feature, you can:

  • Easily share your datasets (by email or copying an invitation link).
  • Stop sharing anytime you want.

The invitee with whom you shares a dataset can only use the shared dataset in Powerdrill Apps to complete specific tasks, such as chatting based on the dataset. The invitee cannot view the content of the shared dataset, let alone modifying or deleting it.

Once you delete a dataset that you share with others, the dataset will become unavailable to all the invitees.

How to use this feature


You have signed in to Powerdrill and created a dataset.

For more information about how to log in to Powerdrill and create a dataset, see Steps 1 and 2 in Try Out Powerdrill in 3 Minutes.

Share a dataset

  1. On the Datasets page, find the dataset you want to share, click the share button in the Actions column.

  2. In the Invite dialog box, specify the following required information:

    Access mode: Set it to Anyone with the link can access (default) or Anyone with the link and the token can access.

    Validity Period: Set it to 1 Day, 1 Week, or Permanent based on your needs. Note that after the validity period expires, the dataset will no longer be accessible to anyone, except you.

  3. If you want to send invitations by email, enter the emails in the Share by Email field, and click Invite. If you want to directly copy and paste the link to the invitees, click Generate Invitation, click Copy and Share, and then paste the invitation information to the invitees. Of course, you can use both methods at the same time.

Stop sharing

  1. On the Datasets page, find the dataset you want to share, click the share button in the Actions column.
  2. In the Invite dialog box, change the access mode to Stop sharing.
  3. In the Stop Sharing dialog box, click Stop Sharing to confirm the operation.

Watch a demo