The Powerdrill Enterprise Open API uses API keys for authentication. Each API request must include your API key, which is used to authenticate the request and track your usage quota.

There are two types of API keys:

  • Project API keys: provide access to a specific project. A project’s API key can only be used to access resources within that project.

  • Team API keys: provide access to manage projects, such as creating new projects. Only the team admin account can manage projects.

    Since project-related API endpoints are still under development, team API keys are currently non-functional. As the team admin, you can manage your projects through the admin console instead.

Please be reminded that your API key is a secret. Do not share it with others or expose it in browsers, apps, or other client-side code.

All API requests must include your API key in the x-pd-api-key HTTP header, as shown below:

x-pd-api-key: API_KEY

Making requests

You can copy and paste the command below into your terminal to execute your first API request. Be sure to replace $PROJECT_API_KEY with your secret API key and $USER_ID with your actual user ID.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-pd-api-key: $PROJECT_API_KEY' \
  --data '{
  "name": "My session",
  "output_language": "EN",
  "job_mode": "AUTO",
  "max_contextual_job_history": 10,
  "agent_id": "DATA_ANALYSIS_AGENT",
  "user_id": "$USER_ID"